Our partner NGO Jiwaqui from Bolivia turns 10 years old!

In our efforts to treat children with cleft lip and palate in developing countries, we rely on partnerships with local non-governmental organizations. These organizations are usually founded by local doctors and are staffed entirely by local specialists. This ensures that the valuable experience gained in the treatment of cleft lip and palate remains in the host country and that reliable and easily accessible structures are created locally for the children and their families.

We have been working with many of these organizations for long stretches of our more than 20-year history. One of these organizations is Jiwaqui from Bolivia, whose tenth birthday we are celebrating today! We would like to congratulate the Jiwaqui team on their tenth anniversary and express our heartfelt thanks to Jiwaqui director Dr. Mamani and his entire team for their daily commitment to children with cleft lip and palate in Bolivia! Over the past ten years, the team has given hundreds of children a new start in life, paving the way for a hopeful future.

We wish everyone at Jiwaqui a ¡Feliz décimo aniversario! Abrazo fuerte al equipo entero de Jiwaqui desde Alemania. ¡Muchísimas gracias por su compromiso con nuestros pacientitos, por su dedicación y gran labor ya desde tantos años!

Impressions from Jiwaqui’s work in Bolivia

Without our donors the work of the Jiwaqui team in Bolivia would be impossible. We say thank you from the bottom of our heart!