Deutsche Cleft Kinderhilfe e.V. 2023 annual report now available

It’s that time again! Every year we present our activities from the previous year in a detailed annual report. In words and pictures and with many vivid figures and facts, we give our donors an account of our work. We give a glimpse into our work and show what our work for children with cleft lip and palate looks like.

As always, the annual report is available for download on our website. In the autumn, as every year, an expanded version will follow with a detailed overview of our finances. But we already know one thing: thanks to our donors and our local medical teams, we have managed to provide a new record number of cleft surgeries.

8,000 surgeries – 8,000 better lives

Last year we provided 8,000 operations, funded by our many donors and performed by experienced local doctors on three continents. Every surgery helps a child live a better life. They will face fewer health and social impairments and have a better chance to realize their dreams and future plans. The parents also feel a huge weight lifted off their shoulders when their child finally has the help they needed.

But our current annual report also touches on many other topics. It shows our work in our project countries with many impressive images. It also presents success stories from our aid such as our new project location in Ethiopia. And it showcases and thanks our many supporters, and of course provides a transparent overview of our finances. An expanded version of the annual report with an even more detailed figures section will follow in October.